Importing a report template

Intelligent Reports allows you to export and import report templates using .stm files. This allows you to store and restore back ups of your report templates, use templates prepared and exported by others and move templates between Intelligent Reports Cloud and Data Center versions.

Intelligent Reports has a free template library contains many .stm files you can import and use for free.

You can follow these steps to import a .stm report template into Intelligent Reports.

  1. Navigate to the Templates page.

  2. Click on the New Template button and select Import Template from the menu. Importing a template

  3. A pop-up window will appear. Use this to select the template file. Note that your template file must be in the .stm format.

  4. The template will begin to upload. Once the template has been uploaded, the page will refresh and the imported template will now appear in the list.

Note that if a template references custom issue fields or issue fields created by a plugin, the importing JIRA instance must have exactly the same custom field and plugin setup as the exporting JIRA instance to use the report.

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