
Intelligent reports handles lists of objects in almost the same way as single objects. Lists of objects can also be accessed using a . followed by a field name. A new list will be created using the value of the field of each object in the list. If the field contains a list of objects in each object, the lists will be concatenated into a single list.

A single issue object:


A list of versions:

questions.Issue."Fix Versions"

A list of numbers in this case (A single sprint -> A list of Issues -> A list of work logs (each issue has a list of work logs which are joined into a single list) -> a list of numbers):

questions.Sprint.issues."Work Log"."Time Spent in Seconds"

List element access

You can access an individual element of a list by using square bracket notation. For example:

questions.Issue."Fix Versions"[0]

The element you are trying to index must exist. If it does not exist your report will display an error instead of generating. The usual way to ensure that the element exists is to use an if statement. For example, to get the first fix version, or an empty string if there are no fix versions:

if(count(questions.Issue."Fix Versions") > 0, questions.Issue."Fix Versions"[0], "")

Creating lists from individual items

You can create a list of items directly in a calculation using square bracket notation. For example, to create a list of numbers:

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