The following operators are supported by Intelligent Reports.
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are supported on any numeric data.
1 + 1
2 - 1
2 * 1
4 / 2
questions.Story."Story Points" * questions.Story."Business Value"
You can also use parentheses to specify the order of operations if necessary.
The following comparison operators are supported on any numeric data. Comparison operators return true or false.
count(jql("project={Project} and status=open")) > 0
count(jql("project={Project} and status=open")) >= 20
count(jql("project={Project} and status=open")) < 10
count(jql("project={Project} and status=open")) <= 10
The comparison operators == (equal to) and != (not equal to) can be used to compare data of the same type. Comparison operators return true or false.
count(jql("project={Project} and status=open")) == 10
count(jql("project={Project} and status=open")) != 0
The && (and) and || (or) and ! (not) logic operators are supported on boolean values.
(4 > 2) && count(jql("project={Project} and status=open")) > 0
(4 > 2) || count(jql("project={Project} and status=open")) > 0
filter(jql("project={Project} and status=open"), issue -> !issue.resolved)